Five ways to fight discontent bred by social media (career tips)

Every Instagram or Facebook post is a point of reflection and comparison. With the prevalence of social media, not everyone survives them unscathed. How do you go on with your self-esteem still intact?

One. Create a career blueprint you believe in, grounded on your personal circumstances.

Second. Understand that what you see on social media is the filtered final ouput, rarely the steps that led them there. 

Third. Whether you are on a traditional or alternative career path, know that starting a career and moving to your desired trajectory requires hard work. There are no shortcuts. Whirlwind successes usually happen only in movies.

Fourth. Choose to be happy. Celebrate your successes and appreciate the people who support you. 

Fifth. Be fair to yourself. Comparing yourself to other people can be good because you are able to guage yourself. But do not use standards that are not fair to you. The goal is to benchmark, not to decapacitate.

The pressure brought about by social media will always be felt, now more than ever. In healthy doses, pressure, can be good because it pushes you to assess where you are in life and the changes you need to make, if any. Dwelling on the negative feelings however could be counterproductive. Everyone, including you, knows this. Yet, every now and then you will find yourself trapped in that dark corner of your mind. Emerging from it is not always easy; it may take time. Always, it is a personal decision that you make at your own pace. And once you do, the real work begins.